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Research and upcoming project within the InSitu program of (Un)Common Spaces
roduced by ØIT (Østfold Internasjonale Teater).

Exploring the material flows of Fredrikstad and surroundings, focusing on extraction related to the Sarpsfossen hydroelectric facilities and the production powered by it, as well as the quarrying industry of the area. Researching notions of how to dwell in and with these places and bear witness to the dynamics unfolding here. 

Research in Skolt Pukkeverk and Rødshue, May 2022
Photograper: Andreas Strand Renberg 


ØIT has invited Nana Francisca Schotländer to work in and with local landscapes shaped by human intervention - from the extraction of raw materials to the disposal of the last remains from our insatiable consumer society. Here she examines how we as human bodies can connect ourselves to the global material choreography of moving and changing matter, which inextricably connects landscapes, cities and people.


The project will be shown in a series of pop-up installations in the center of Fredrikstad, where photographic documentation of her own bodily encounters with the places is juxtaposed with materials from the various landscapes and displaces these narratives into the city's space and everyday life, which is shaped materially, economically and culturally of these dynamics.


Parallel to the exhibition period, there will be a program consisting of performances and a series of public talks with researchers and representatives from the various industries to jointly examine the past(s), present(s) and possible future(s) of these entanglements between people and matter and the way they shape our world.


Photographers: Andreas Strand Renberg and Marine Gastineau

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