Munkeruphus, June-August 2020
Bloom Festival Copenhagen, May 2018
Berliner Hauptbahnhof, January 2018
I consist of a multitude;
Individual, interdependent organs,
cells, organisms, microbes, bacteria and fungi,
that have very fortunately decided to work together
on continuously co-creating the holobiont entity,
I think of as me.
Intricately woven
into the fabric of cross-species
spanning from my own body
to the entire planet.
And beyond.
How to grasp this?
To observe, engage with,
question, merge and wonder/wander
along with and among my fellow beings
of all kinds
In an ever growing relationscape
Acollaboration with Studio ThinkingHand and Novozymes Age of Biology in creating a sym-bio-poietic venture into the realm of biology understood as a co-creational mode of exploring, divulging and opening a dialogue with the fundamental other-than-human entities of our world. The piece shows and interrelates four different approaches or perspectives onto the delicacy of the cosmos, beyond the mere human capacity and frame; cultivation, archiving, mimicking and merging.
Dimensions: 5 x 6 x 2,4 metres
Materials: Agar, various living fungi cultures, epoxy resin, nature from Sweden and Denmark , polycarbonate, tinted mirror, wood, rope, rocks and 3D printed plastic by Aniso.
Photos by Nana Francisca Schottländer, Studio ThinkingHand and Nicklas Nagel.